University of Northern Iowa, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Geography, currently pursuing Master of Arts degree. Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Geography and Geoecology, Department of Cartography and GIS, B.S/Specialist degree, GIS Skills and qualifications Applied software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Safe Software FME, Portal for ArcGIS, Global Mapper, Autodesk AutoCAD, Civil 3D, ENVI, Erdas Imagine, Golden MapViewer, Windows Server, Linux/FreeBSD, VMWare vSphere Development: Python (arcpy), JavaScript, SQL(MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL), XML/XSD Extensive experience in support of Windows Server environments and virtualization systems, strong customer support skills
Professional experience
Graduate Research Assistant (January 2018 - Present) University of Northern Iowa, Department of Geography, Cedar Falls, IA • Developed a publically available web-based application for dasymetric map creation using the user-uploaded data using Python 3.x, Flask, GeoPandas and SQLAlchemy frameworks. The application featuring user registration and web map sharing capabilities. • Developed a semi-automatic digitization workflow of historical reindeer aerial census reports by using ESRI ArcGIS ArcMap and FME Desktop which led to significant efficiency gains process • Assisted interns during UNI Geography Department’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program which allowed them to defend their projects with great success with a focus on remote sensing and ESRI ArcGIS applications.
GIS Development intern (June 2019 - August 2019) Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Parsippany, NJ • Developed an ArcGIS Pro toolbox and set of standalone Python scripts for GIS administrators to automate various ArcGIS Enterprise/ArcGIS Online administrative tasks using ArcPy / ArcGIS API for Python. The toolbox allows GIS administrators to save time and energy by streamlining everyday administrative tasks and improve GIS content quality by systematic monitoring and validation of the ArcGIS Portal items based on multiple criteria. • Developed a toolbox targeted for end-users to provide an easy and effective way to download photographs created by Collector for ArcGIS from ArcGIS Online / Portal. • Performed routine content management tasks such as putting together and publishing various web-maps and web-applications using ArcGIS Pro and Web App Builder leading to improved appearance of the web applications and increased the engagement of intranet web-GIS application users. Customer Care representative (November 2016 - January 2018) Veeam Software, Technical Customer Support, St. Petersburg • Delivered 100% customer satisfaction rate while providing technical support by using Cisco WebEx and Teamviewer remote support tools. • Effectively resolved various infrastructure issues on the client side (Windows Server 2008/2012/2016, Microsoft Exchange 2007-2016, Active Directory, MS SQL Server, Oracle) preventing backup/replication/restore from successful execution using strong problem-solving, troubleshooting and debugging skills
Surveyor (December 2012 - May 2016) LUKOIL International Services, Survey department, Basra province, Iraq • Developed a web-GIS which greatly improved management situational awareness and used heavily in the daily activities of field and remote branch offices • Developed software for automatic collection of panoramic images using Python scripts • Reduced time needed for preparation of demining reports (document containing coordinates tables and sketches) by creating a custom Model Builder tool • Improved CAD to GIS conversion accuracy using custom ETL workflows build in FME Desktop • Effectively kept GIS information up to date by performing GPS surveys using Leica and Trimble GPS equipment. GIS Engineer (May 2012 - November 2012) Saint-Petersburg Heating Grid, St. Petersburg • Provided technical support to users of the internal custom desktop GIS (C# ESRI runtime-based application) by providing easy to understand documentation leading to a decreased the number of calls for technical support • Greatly saved the time needed for the installation and configuration process of ESRI Runtime on client workstations using custom Active Directory policies • Prepared electronic maps, schemes, and diagrams which greatly improved client awareness during emergencies using ArcGIS 9.x and FME Desktop geoprocessing resources • Drafted a technical assignment and requirements for the development of new versions of the internal GIS, which resulted in earlier development of a new version of the software. • Deployed the test environment which streamlined the testing process of the new versions of internal GIS using VMWare vSphere GIS engineer / GIS Intern (October 2010 - May 2012) NeftegasGeodesia LLC, St. Petersburg • Developed powerful automation workflows, which allowed expedited symbology conversion for web-mapping application from proprietary MapInfo style format to open-source KML format using ArcGIS Model Builder, FME Desktop and Altova Mapforce • Developed tools for automated configuration files creation (XML with SQL Queries) for our Web-GIS software using Altova MapForce to avoid tedious manual processing • Investigated the effect of the location of geographic features on the formation of defects in pipelines according to in-line inspection data using Spatial and Geostatistical Analyst.